Thursday 12 March 2009

"My" Northern Ireland

My Northern Ireland

Only one year ago I was there. One could sense the peace was so fragile. There was a smell of war in the air, but people get use to it. Northern Ireland looks differently from the rest of Britain: people are modest, relatively poorer and there are not obese individuals (which is so common in England, Scotland and Wales). ...And the women are amazingly beautiful !

One can still see traces of bullets on the walls of the buildings in central Belfast – a bitter memento of the Civil war 30 years ago.
My boss and my line manager (an Englishman and a Scottish) did not join the group (an overseas expedition). We did not ask them why. We knew - Northern Ireland is still regarded as "the black sheep of Britain". So, there we were – it was me - a foreigner in the UK and the delegation (also foreigners) who ended up there. Our Irish hostess were great though! We were greeted and looked after as Royals.

I loved my time in Northern Ireland and I sincerely hope the Peace process won’t be “shaken”

God save Northern Ireland – "the black sheep of Britain".

Sunday 8 March 2009


1. Certified Court and Police Interpreters, DPSI in English Law, IOL- LS English-Russian. Member of the IOL and BIA.
Medical, Legal and general translations: English, Bulgarian, Russian. Telephone interpreting. Certified written translations in English, Bulgarian and Russian: Law, Immigration, Health, Benefits etc matters.
Language teaching -Russian, Bulgarian,Dutch

Tel in the UK 0044 1908 211 421
quadrilingua @ hotmail. com;

Contacts in Belgium 0032477387821
maja . koitsjeva @ skynet .be

2.Заклет преводач в Англия: устни и писмени преводи в областта на правото, имиграцията, социалните помощи, здравеопазването, данъците и др. Телефонни преводи. Квалификация DPSI in Law, член на NRPSI, IOL: quadrilingua @ ;

3. Присяженный переводчик в Белгии. Заверенные писменные переводы. Член, Квалификация и Акредитация переводчиков в Белгии. Телефонные переводы на голландском, русском и болгарском языке. Сертификат судебного и социального переводчика. : tel в Великобритании 00441908 211 421 тел в Белгии 0032477387821 ; email maja . koitsjeva @ skynet .be;

4. Beëdigd tolk-vertaler Bulgaars, Russisch, Nederlands
maja. koitsjeva @ skynet . be

The Lost and Found Words?

The words, which are about to disappear from English (according to the BBCR4) are: guts, squeeze, stick and bad.

I wonder if there is something to do with the expressions such as:

…the carrot before the stick ...

…the crunch will squeeze the pensions dry, but not the bankers’ one...

… stick to your promises …

… “ And so Cardigan took up position on his horse (Ronald) at the front of the Light Brigade, muttered, ‘Here goes the last of the Brudenells’ and led the charge. A bounder Cardigan might have been, but he did at least have guts”... Jeremy Paxman “The Victorians” BBC1

Do you know if these expressions are too likely to become extinct soon ?

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Friday 6 March 2009


You may think this is petty stuff, but how would you translate in one word the following
one - word stuff:

Top dog
Watch dog
Slum dog

Hey,there is nothing to do with dog collar here :)

Cutting hedge
Red tape
Hedge fund
Think tank
Steering group

And many more… How about:

Inclusion, sustainability, surgery


"My MP cancelled her surgery from tonight."

"Tree surgery – outstanding service on affordable price"

"They had casual sex during the trip, but there were not any casualties on the road."

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Thursday 5 March 2009

It is very easy to sit on the tiger's spine, the difficult thing is to get off

This is what my mother says. It is true! "How can I teach you Bulgarian, when you do not understand your own (English) grammar"? - this is what I say to my students.
Adults in their forties, or thirties, they do not know what adjective means, neither - passive voice, or accusative case.
Is that a surprise?
A professor at one of the leading UK universities told me he had seen undergraduates, who did not know how to start, compose and finish a letter.

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